Calesita in tango

Let’s start our series of intermediate video lessons with a figure everyone uses at intermediate levels. Despite of its frequent use people don’t usually know its name. Why would it be easier to recognize it by the name? Because CALESITA means CAROUSEL. There are numerous ways to get into this figure: from side steps, forward steps or from different step combinations. In calesita the man slightly “lifts” the woman and walks around her. The actual execution depends on style and technique and a number of other factors: how much does the man soften the step with his breathing? How much does he “lift” the woman? To what extent is the woman standing on her own axis and to what extent is she leaning on the man? These all lead to different calesitas! Moreover there are versions when you bring down the women. :)

Let’s see the videos!

Calesita 1. – Osvaldo Zotto & Mora Godoy

Watch as the man makes a cross-step at the end of the Calesita before continuing.

Calesita 2. – Diego Blanco & Ana Padron

What makes this video stand out is the precise information the follower gets with regards to keeping her own axis

Calesita 3. –  Cross step to Calesita from Tangotools

Calesita 4. – this video stands out from the others – Calesita is led from a different position here

And finally: a dear friend of mine who happens to be a tanguera AND spanish teacher brought my attention to this tango. So here’s the question: what brought this song to life: the figure itself or the carousel? :)

For more video please click here