It is well known that women learn to dance quicker. It is the same in Argentine tango. The following recordings are proof of this.
Here are some tips for practicing:
- Use a mirror if you can; but also try practicing without a mirror !
- Pay attention not to let your shoulders raise during the exercises!
- Don’t pull your shoulders back and don’t let your elbows fall behind the line of your shoulders.
- Practice in socks or practice shoes first, then in dance shoes.
- Pay attention to your posture! Incorrect posture in the long run can lead to back problems or injuries: lordosis and kyphosis.
- Be sure that your knees are always facing the same direction as your feet when you bend your legs.
- Warm-up before practice and stretching afterwards are strongly recommended.
For more tips and techniques visit my blog. Video lessons on women’s technique will be published on a regular basis!
Embellishments of ocho cortado for women with musicality
The title says it all. Wherever you dance tango, learning how to embellish an ocho cortado will be extremely helpful.
Triple step embellishments – Vanessa Gauch
Vanessa Gauch shows us how to do triple step embellishments while the partner makes one step only
Ladies embellishments – useful tips, summary
Review & tips This is the closing part in our series of women's embellishments. A big thank you to Csilla Mariposa for writing the articles. For more thorough information on the different types of decorations, read the previous articles: In the first article we...
Ladies embellishments part 3 – free leg above the ground
Csilla Mariposa, author of ladies technique and other articles presents a third group of embellishments. If you want to improve your technique, this is the place! In the first category we discussed embellishments in which the...
Ladies embellishments – part 2 – free leg above the ground
2nd category - embellishments above the grount Csilla, our guest-author has given many useful tips for girls lost in the jungle of tango embellishments. As a dancer and teacher of men's technique I find her articles very...
Embellishments in Argentine Tango : Women’s technique Part I.
If you read my site regularly, then you know "Csilla" our guest blogger. She wrote several successful blog articles. The following is the of the women's embellishments series with amazing videos! Embellishments (adornos in...
Women’s Technique – Tips from Mariana Montes with video
Mariana Montes-Women's Technique It's not by accident that Mariana is one of the most popular female tango dancers. She has been dancing with Sebastian Arce since 1988, and together they have performed all over the world. Her name is associated with the famous site...
Tango Technique Video for Attractive Legs with Liz Bayley
Dear Ladies! Beautiful, sparkly shoes alone are not enough for tango. So how can we achieve asthetically attractive legs while dancing? By exercising, stretching, going to women's technique classes and learning from these...