A basic point of tango etiquette says that men should be elegant. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at this, with examples on how to achieve elegance and dressing mistakes we men should avoid. Before we go into the details, let me share some examples of personal experience :)

Two types of women…

…one of them doesn’t mind or simply tolerates short-sleeved shirts on men; the other cannot even bear the sight of short-sleeved shirts. My girlfriend belongs to this latter group, leaving me no option but to get rid of all these garments…

Urania Milonga and other elegant venues

Some milongas are casual enough not to require elegant clothing, e.g. the castle terrace milonga, where a simple T-shirt-jeans combo will do. However, the Sunday Urania Milonga is no such place. The atmosphere of this elegant café demands elegant clothing. I once decided to wear shorts to this milonga due to the heatwave. Even though no one rejected my invitation, I received plenty of strange looks from women. The pants were below-knee in length but even than… it’s a no-no!

Online video lessons

Sure enough we all commit mistakes and crimes against fashion from time to time, but once again, the internet is an abundant source of help. Many helpful videos can be found for example on YouTube, and applying the freshly-learned tips, tangueras will be looking forward of attending milongas too! After all, we love well-dressed women at milongas, and it’s the same from their perspective. In the following, you’ll find videos on how to roll up your sleeve; how to tuck your shirt in so that it doesn’t escape; how to tame your collars; minimum and maximum length of a shirt if it isn’t tucked in; etc. Some ideas will be recurring, and the videos might contain ads, but don’t get discouraged, simply skip those 20-30 seconds.

10 dressing mistakes

3 ways to roll up the sleeve

Where should it end? Under or above the elbow?

4 ways of tucking your shirt in

I’ve never ever used the 4th technique. Do you know anyone who has?

10 fashion mistakes commited by men

This video includes the magnetic collar braces which are extremely helpful!

There’s a number of such videos online. Send us your favourites and we’ll include them in the list :)