Aonike Quirogal is the kind of tango dancer who divides the tango community: there are those that know all about him and those that never heard of him. I belonged to the latter – I knew nothing about him. I was shocked by his unbelievable speed and his dimensions. His partner is the well-known Alejandra Mantiñannal and the two make an unforgettable couple. Alejandra is taller than Aonike in her shoes, yet his speed and flexibility will capture your attention. They both started dancing early – Alejandra at the age of 8 and Aonike at the age of 10. Take a look at one of their videos:
The famous “hat-dance”
Let’s take a detour from Aonike’s unique traits and talk about Alejandra. She has had many partners, including Gabriel Missé (from the famous Missé family of dancers) and Gustavo Rosso. With Gustavo, they performed in the Tango Pasion show with the famous “hat-dance”. This performance is hugely popular and its youtube upload has reached 5 million views. I bet you too have seen it already!:)
And now back to Aonike – Alejandra to watch a milonga:
As far as I know they haven’t been to Hungary yet but they have visited the “neighborhood”: get ready for a surprise from Tango Amadeusról – Wienna:
Incredible, isn’t it? I hope you will remember their names when it comes up at a milonga. …if you knew how often this conversation takes place: “Hey I just watched a video with this… incredibly talented guy… he’s called…eeeeer…I don’t remember, but you know who I’m talking about right?” :)
Have you seen a video that’s even more surprising/exciting/breathtaking? Share at All about argentine tango page!