It was Argentine tango that led me to Buenos Aires. Twice already.
First time only 40 days. Clearly enough, to visit some milongas, learn from great maestros, participate in some classes.
At this time I did not speak Spanish therefore most of the time I was struggling with English or French.
But the second visit was different!
It was about learning a lot from the great maestro Carlos Perez, dancing in the Esquina Homero Manzi, being able to communicate and speak Spanish helped me a lot! During more than seven months, I met many fantastic people, great dancers, discovered amazing traditional and not so traditional milongas in every type of embrace.. I even participated in the Tango De Salon Word Championship in Buenos Aires :)
Ok, but what is this blog about? Everything that Argentine tango means to me!
It is about me, a milonga organizer, a private and group instructor, organizer of tango camps; It is about the embrace, going to ballet and jazzdance classes. My opinion about tango techniques, music, tango, classes, methods, steps, milongas in Budapest and worldwide.
Join me on this journey…
Now let’s see the posts!
Argentine Tango Movies Part I. (1921 – 1992)
Movies all tanguer@s should watch or at least know about! The following article briefly summarizes movies dealing with argentine tango from 1921. Due to the amount of movies associated with tango, the least important ones are omitted, such as "Tango" from 1933 with...
More than a 1000 ideas for tango outfits
Ideas to help you find the tango-outfit of your dreams
Cell Block tango – Spell Block Tango – Cell Block Django – with lyrics
We all love tango movies. Cell Block Tango and its variations with videos and lyrics
Do you dance tango? Do NOT teach at milongas! – Reflections
Not long ago I wrote a harsh note about teaching at milongas and its consequences. In this article I reflect upon my previous writing.
Who was Carlos di Sarli and why did he wear dark glasses all the time?
A large number of the most frequently played tango songs come from Carlos di Sarli and his orchestra. But who was he and what’s the story behind the glasses??
You are going to buy your first tango shoes?!? Here is a guide about the right height of the heels!
Knowing what height you would like your new shoes to be is very important when buying shoes. This is one of the most important factors and is dependent upon body height and structure, etc…
Things to consider before choosing a dance partner – tips, goals, thoughts
Csilla, our guest blogger has published some great articles about embellishments and dance shoes. Now here's an other great article from her about a very important topic - the relationship of dance partners. Her tips and hints will be equally useful for tangueros and...
Online tango radios for everyone
Where are the best online tango radios? This is the right place to find the answer for your question!
Left arm of the leader in tango – the dangerous embrace!
To become a better dancer, pay attention to your embrace! Here are a few tips on how to improve!
The milonguero’s case with the almost-ruined dance floor
My flatmate, Norbi brought attention to the ugly knocks and cracks on the wooden floor in my room. We were discussing what the cause could have been when he said "Woman's high heels!" - said Norbi seriously I laughed at the idea stating how unlikely it sounds that a...