tango oleles

Tango as an experience – tango as a tool

Argentine tango is exciting, beautiful, full of possibilities. It offers a special kind of recreation, a way to meet other people, to express yourself – the benefits are well known. I have mentioned it many times in my blog – including the beneficial, curing effects of dancing and the joy of dancing.
But in this case Argentine tango is not in focus – it is used as a tool instead, to achieve a different kind of goal. This immediately raised my curiosity and I decided to find out more about this.
What I found is a self-awareness, self-knowledge building training based on tango techniques & tools yet it is not meant to be a dance class.

Kocsis Zoltán - önismereti tréning

Zoltán Kocsis

As I liked the idea of this group I decided to make an interview with one of the founders of the program. Zoltan Kocsis, management counselor, trainer.

He has been giving workshops, trainings and groups for over a decade plus he is among the leaders of this tango-based self-training!

Endre: What should we know about this training?

Zoltán: Tango and self-developing, learning both became very important to me at the same time.
The two things connected when Aniko Pek – who had been a tango addict herself for 5-6 years – and I developed a one day open training called – “Reflections of our connections – closer to ourselves and each other with the Tango Method”.
Briefly said: Experience-group. We have been holding sessions since last summer.
 The feedback we receive is very encouraging, we even have returning participants.
Those who attend tango lessons with a deeper consciousness not only receive many great experiences but from time to time come to surprising revelations about themselves.
We would like to share this with those who don’t yet dance; those who are thinking about starting tango and those who dread dancing generally.
During the one day training we provide the opportunity to gain such experiences that we, tango dancers gain during dancing and learning tango. We achieve this by practicing simple, observational, social and partner-exercises. We always end up having exciting conversations on the topic, participants can share what and how they felt, thought during these activities, but to feel what is essential there is no need for words.
Pék Anikó

Pék Anikó – photo:  Kinga Lakner

E.: You were an experienced dancer before starting tango. What kind of dances did you practice and where?

Z: Dance has always been significant in my life. I walked in to a dance class following a girl with almond-shaped eyes when I was ten – as in the famous song Peti went after the girl to school. A few years later I turned my attention to stage dance. I practiced many different styles. During university I worked in the „Víg” and Pesti theater. Later I had the opportunity to work in Germany as a choreographer, and as a dancer in musicals and other productions. Than I found tango. Tango is unlike any other dance. Any time, anywhere and at any age… It provides you with endless opportunities, experience and energy. It is much more than a dance

E.: Who is recommended to take the course? Do they need previous dance experience?

Z.: The program is not exclusively about dance. The goal is not to acquire figures, steps and culture of movement. We get to know ourselves and others following our body’s natural nuances and movements. Therefore no previous experience is required – only curiosity and open mindedness. We also recommend the course to those who just started dancing tango – they will be introduced to a deeper layer of the dance which will help them – through technique practice – to get deeper experience in the dance.

E.: What do participants get?

Z.: Firstly a unique experience which will strengthen their consciousness and senses. It will help being in the present and focus their attention. It will tell tales without words about what we need in a relationship – let it be friendship, colleagues, parent-child or partnership. It will show them how they connect to others, what their strengths are and how focus on the others. We can recognize trust as it is born; the inspiring, creative tension between two people that helps us understand and accept others. This day offers a unique experience and an exciting development opportunity.