Argentine Tango

If you read my site regularly, then you know “Csilla” our guest blogger.

She wrote several successful blog articles. The following is the of the women’s embellishments series with amazing videos!

Embellishments (adornos in Spanish) fall into several different categories, I have tried to gather all of the most common ones in the most thorough written form. Here I will highlight one most important point: that only with a stable axis and loose, relaxed legs can we dance well in order to excecute all movements fluidly and precisely.

Before beginning, the first step is to find your balance on your axis. Once you are stable, then your partner will be able to lead you through many embellishments, which will then be fluid and harmonious.

1st Category – Embellishments on the floor (touching-sweeping the floor, the foot stays on the floor)

 Golpecitos (little taps)– Little taps with your free foot on the floor. This is done rhythmically using your toe, more precisely using the outer cushion of your big toe. Here your ankle is relaxed. Also in tango one of the most important tips is that your legs are relaxed while executing these movements. Without this it is very difficult to make any movement work. Jennifer Bratt was one of the first dancers to record these embellishments on video, I would like to show you as a source of visual help.

Jennifer Bratt: golpecitos embellishments on the floor I.

Jennifer Bratt: golpecitos embellishments on the floor II.

Jennifer Bratt: golpecitos women’s embellishments on the floor-double time III.

Jennifer Bratt: golpecitos women’s embellishments on the floor IV.

Dibujo (drawing) or Rulo (curl)- drawing (drawing little circles with your toe).
This is also done on the floor, not in the air, although there does exist a version.

Voleo Bajo Atrás or Low (Back) Boleo: (boleo means, throw…).
This can be danced two different ways: up high or low down on the floor. For now we will talk about the low boleo, done on the floor and not lifting at all.



Amague or cuatro (the first meaning is: a threat, the second is: four). This movement has two purposes.
The first, to show how it can be lead individually, the second as an embellishment.
The beauty of this movement is emphasized by, the woman’s leg crossed in front, while at the same time doing a backward ocho.
So for a moment, when in ‘cuatro’position, the woman shows the numeral ‘4’ with her leg.

 Toque (touch) (when we are playing with each others legs). Another possibility is when the man leads the woman  over his foot from one side to the other in a row.  While doing so,  the woman touches his foot slightly to step over his foot. Note: touch and caress are not the same.

Continuation in the next post! (Translator: Ramona Wentworth)
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